(most recent posts listed first)
[Posted: September 6, 2017] Effective: Monday, September 18, 2017 Beginning at 7:00am on Monday 9/18/2017 there will be an outage of uAchieve. This outage will last approximately until 5:00pm 9/18/2017, during which time IT staff will upgrade uAchieve to version 4.4. This outage has been coordinated with the Graduate School and the Office of the Registrar to minimize the impact. We regret any inconvenience this outage may cause. If you have any questions, please contact the IT Service Desk at 301.405.1500. AOW: INDIVIDUAL STUDENT RECORDS [Posted: August 30, 2017] [3:18PM] AoW is back up. Please contact advisefeedback@umd.edu if you continue to experience problems. Thanks :) [Original Post] The Campus is currently experiencing technical difficulties with web services that access the mainframe data directly (e.g., drop/add, student schedule, etc.). As such, you may experience problems accessing individual student information in AoW at this time. The following AoW functionality is impacted by this issue:
"Search" functionality should not be impacted. DivIT is working to restore the system. Updates will continue to be posted on this page. [Posted: August 28, 2017] The Campus is currently experiencing technical difficulties with web services that require directory ID authentication. If you experience problems with campus web services, please try your transaction at another time. You may monitor the status of this issue by viewing "Directory ID"-related issues in the "Check Service Status" section on the Division of IT's helpdesk page. UPDATED-ADVISE ON THE WEB AVAILABILITY [Posted: August 23, 2017] [2:25PM] Advise on the Web is back up and running. Please contact advisefeedback@umd.edu if you continue to experience problems. [1:51PM] Advise on the Web is currently experiencing connectivity issues. ADVISE ON THE WEB AND UMEG DOWN [Posted: August 21, 2017] [11:33] UPDATE: Advise on the Web and UMEG are back up and running. Please exit out of your browser completely and log back in again to access these applications. [9:11AM] Advise on the Web and UMEG are currently down. DivIT is working to bring these systems back up. This page will be updated when these systems are back up. [Posted: March 24, 2017] [2:11PM] AoW has been restored to its original beauty (i.e., it is up and running with all of its functionality). Please let us know if you continue to experience problems. [10:11AM] DivIT has been experiencing issues with AoW connectivity. As a result, please be sure to use the "ADVISE on the Web" link via ARES to ensure that you are accessing a workable version of AoW (select "Advisor Services" and then "ADVISE on the Web"). DivIT is working to restore the system. Updates will continue to be posted on this page. NOTE: Recent enhancements to Aow, such as the AOWList batch option in uAchieve, will not be available at this time. SYSTEM OUTAGE: uachieve and AoW On Tuesday, December 27, 2016 starting at 7 a.m. until Wednesday, December 28, 2016 at 7 a.m., the Division of Information Technology will conduct a test of disaster recovery procedures for institutional IT systems which will result in an outage of many university IT services, including uachieve and Advise on the Web. The IT Service Desk website, itsc.umd.edu, will provide additional details and updates throughout the semester as this date approaches. If you have any questions, please contact the Service Desk at 301.405.1500 or itsc@umd.edu. [Posted: December 16, 2016] You may now access uachieve batch report results using Advise on the Web* Specifically, if you have run a batch job in uachieve, you can now download an Excel file of results. The Excel file provides a listing of the following information for students that were run in your batch job:
* Found in the "Reports" section of Aow URL CHANGE for Advise on the Web [Posted: December 15, 2016] There has been a change to the url for Advise on the Web. You will need to adjust your bookmark if you use a bookmark to access AoW. There is no impact if you use the "ADVISE on the Web" link found in the "Advisor Links" box on the left. Please continue to use this link as it will always take you to the appropriate location. May 2016 DEGREE CLEARANCE MODE in Degree Navigator Effective: 5/20/2016 – 6/22/2016 Degree Navigator will operate in degree clearance mode beginning Friday, May 20, 2016, and will continue in this mode through June 22, 2016. This means that only courses that have been completed with appropriate grades will be applied to audits for any student who has applied to graduate in Spring 2016; any future enrollments (e.g., Summer 2016) and current courses with no grades will NOT be applied to audits for these students. Students who have applied to graduate and are subsequently not cleared in SIS: this should be reflected in the next day's download; as such, on the day following a 'not cleared' entry in SIS, 'regular' DN functionality will resume (i.e., future enrollments and current courses with no grades will be applied to audits). May 2015 DEGREE CLEARANCE MODE in Degree Navigator [Posted:May 15, 2015] Effective: 5/22/2015 – 7/2/2015 Degree Navigator will operate in degree clearance mode beginning Friday, May 22, 2015, and will continue in this mode through July 2, 2015. This means that only courses that have been completed with appropriate grades will be applied to audits for any student who has applied to graduate in Spring 2015; any future enrollments (e.g., Summer 2015) and current courses with no grades will NOT be applied to audits for these students. Students who have applied to graduate and are subsequently not cleared in SIS: this should be reflected in the next day's download; as such, on the day following a 'not cleared' entry in SIS, 'regular' DN functionality will resume (i.e., future enrollments and current courses with no grades will be applied to audits). May 2014 DEGREE CLEARANCE MODE in Degree Navigator [Posted:May 21, 2014] Effective: 5/23/2014 – 6/27/2014 Degree Navigator will operate in degree clearance mode beginning Friday, May 23, 2014, and will continue in this mode through June 27, 2014. This means that only courses that have been completed with appropriate grades will be applied to audits for any student who has applied to graduate in Spring 2014; any future enrollments (e.g., Summer 2014) and current courses with no grades will NOT be applied to audits for these students. Students who have applied to graduate and are subsequently not cleared in SIS: this should be reflected in the next day's download; as such, on the day following a 'not cleared' entry in SIS, 'regular' DN functionality will resume (i.e., future enrollments and current courses with no grades will be applied to audits). DN DATA DID NOT DOWNLOAD IN CLEARANCE MODE - PLEASE READ [Posted:May 23, 2014] DN data did not download in clearance mode last night. Therefore, current courses are still being included in candidate audits today. This should be resolved overnight, and audits beginning tomorrow, Saturday 5/24/2014, should be correct for Spring 2014 candidates. DECEMBER 2013 DEGREE CLEARANCE MODE in Degree Navigator [Posted:December 19, 2013] Effective: 12/20/2013 – 1/24/2014 Degree Navigator will operate in degree clearance mode beginning Friday, December 20, 2013, and will continue in this mode through January 24, 2014. This means that only courses that have been completed with appropriate grades will be applied to audits for any student who has applied to graduate in Fall 2013; any future enrollments (e.g., Spring 2014) and current courses with no grades will NOT be applied to audits for these students. Students who have applied to graduate and are subsequently not cleared in SIS: this should be reflected in the next day's download; as such, on the day following a 'not cleared' entry in SIS, 'regular' DN functionality will resume (i.e., future enrollments and current courses with no grades will be applied to audits). MAY 2013 DEGREE CLEARANCE MODE in Degree Navigator [Posted:May 21, 2013] Effective: 5/23/2013 – 6/24/2013 Degree Navigator will operate in degree clearance mode beginning Thursday, May 23, 2013, and will continue in this mode through June 24, 2013. This means that only courses that have been completed with appropriate grades will be applied to audits for any student who has applied to graduate in Spring 2013; any future enrollments (e.g., Summer 2013) and current courses with no grades will NOT be applied to audits for these students. Students who have applied to graduate and are subsequently not cleared in SIS: this should be reflected in the next day's download; as such, on the day following a 'not cleared' entry in SIS, 'regular' DN functionality will resume (i.e., future enrollments and current courses with no grades will be applied to audits). [Posted:June 11, 2012] Effective: June 11, 2012
MAY 2012 DEGREE CLEARANCE MODE in Degree Navigator [Posted:May 23, 2012] Effective: 5/24/2012 – 6/25/2012 Degree Navigator will operate in degree clearance mode beginning Thursday, May 24, 2012, and will continue in this mode through June 25, 2012. This means that only courses that have been completed with appropriate grades will be applied to audits for any student who has applied to graduate in Spring 2012; any future enrollments (e.g., Summer 2012) and current courses with no grades will NOT be applied to audits for these students. Students who have applied to graduate and are subsequently not cleared in SIS: this should be reflected in the next day's download; as such, on the day following a 'not cleared' entry in SIS, 'regular' DN functionality will resume (i.e., future enrollments and current courses with no grades will be applied to audits). [Posted:May 26, 2011] Effective: 5/25/2011 – 6/25/2011 Degree Navigator will operate in degree clearance mode beginning, May 25, 2011, and will continue in this mode through June 25, 2011. This means that only courses that have been completed with appropriate grades will be applied to audits for any student who has applied to graduate in Spring 2011; any future enrollments (e.g., Summer 2011) and current courses with no grades will not be applied to audits for these students. Students who have applied to graduate and are subsequently not cleared in SIS: this should be reflected in the next day’s download; as such, on the day following a “not cleared” entry in SIS, ‘regula’ DN functionality will resume (i.e., future enrollments and current courses with no grades will be applied to audits). DN OUTAGE in AoW [Posted:April 7, 2011] Degree Navigator will not be available for a portion of the morning on Tuesday, April 12, 2011; it will be available by 11AM on that day. [Note that this will not impact Advise on the Web – AoW will be available its usual hours that day] CMNS USERS in AoW [Posted:December 16, 2010] If you have access to CLFS or CMPS for AoW search (i.e., you select CLFS or CMPS as a search college), please note that you will soon see “CMNS” as an option when you enter AoW search.
And, as always, if you see anything strange, or have any questions about how to access your students, please contact us at advisefeedback@umd.edu. [Posted:September 27, 2010] You may now generate a list of all students pursuing minors that your college offers, regardless of what college their primary/double majors are in, by using the new ”Minor“ search field. This option will allow you to search for minors only, or, majors and minors in your college. This option will be most helpful for those who need to identify all students who are enrolled in a particular minor and have been prevented from doing this in the past due to restricted access to students outside your college. IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT THIS FIELD: By selecting the “minors” option, you will retrieve ALL students enrolled in minor programs that are associated with your college, regardless of what college students are associated with (based on major). For example, if you are an ARHU advisor and you select “minors”, you will retrieve a student whose primary major is in CMPS but is enrolled in an ARHU minor. Using the new "Minor“ field:
DEGREE CLEARANCE MODE in Degree Navigator [Posted:May 25, 2010] Effective:5/26/2010 – 6/25/2010 Degree Navigator will operate in degree clearance mode beginning tomorrow, May 26, 2010, and will continue in this mode through June 25, 2010. This means that only courses that have been completed with appropriate grades will be applied to audits for any student who has applied to graduate in Spring 2010; any future enrollments (e.g., Summer 2010) and current courses with no grades will not be applied to audits for these students. Students who have applied to graduate and are subsequently not cleared in SIS:this should be reflected in the next day’s download; as such, on the day following a “not cleared” entry in SIS, ‘regular’ DN functionality will resume (i.e., future enrollments and current courses with no grades will be applied to audits). NEW RACE/ETHNICITY NOW AVAILABLE IN AOW [Posted:May 19, 2010] The following new race/ethnicity fields are now available in AoW:
Additional information can be found by using the “Field Help” and “?” functions associated with each field once you’re in [BACKGROUND ON NEW RACE/ETHNICITY: New federal guidelines have required significant changes to how race/ethnicity is stored in our campus databases. For more information on the new federal reporting requirements, please refer to IRPA's documentation on the use and interpretation of the new race/ethnicity data] |